DIY - Tile Stickers by Moonwallstickers
I am a big fan of old houses and maintaining historic elements but wasn’t terribly keen on the red 150yr old original tiles in my hallway however. Removing them felt like sacrilege. So when I was given the opportunity by MOONWALLSTICKER to give my hallway an entirely new look, simply by applying removable stickers onto the tiles, I was overjoyed! Initially I was sceptical, surely stickers won’t stick? I ordered a few samples (also to test the colours and patterns), stuck them into the busiest spot of my hallway, jumped on it, stomped on it, vacuumed, mopped, slid, skateboarded, you name it, but they wouldn’t come off! 💪🏻 Unless when I peeled them off, then they came off without any residue. I was impressed! So I went ahead and stickered all 300 of the tiles in my hallway and couldn’t be happier with the result. My hallway is brighter, seems bigger and is instantly updated, without losing the historic character of our period home.
Click here for their collection.